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A Blogger's Semester

“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” ― Roy T. Bennett

This entry has solely one purpose. And that is to reflect on my journey as a rookie blogger this semester.

Initially, I thought this lifestyle would be simple. I thought I would be posting about subjects such as who won the Superbowl or what happened on the last episode of Empire. Things of that nature. But I soon came to realize that blogging is more then that.

By becoming a blogger, I learned that I became a brand. I realized that the work that I began to release was tagged to my name.

I realized that this semester wouldn't be a regular race to the finish line but a relay race.

I began this race with 11 of my classmates and we are finally reaching the finish line.

And throughout this race, I found out some of my strengths and weaknesses.

My biggest weakness is procrastination. Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing. And I did both of those to the best of my ability. I would delay starting my homework, I would delay going to sleep, and I would delay going to my job. But I think procrastination tied into one of my strengths in a weird way. I found out that I am an extremely patient person. And my patience was tested through various events.

I believe becoming a blogger and managing my image was a great experience because you have to manage your image in life. I've stepped out of my comfort zone to get the news I had to get and to meet new people. This semester as a blogger was beneficial in my growth as a person.

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